Friday, July 11, 2008

Stoopcast 20: Speedy Delivery

Wherine everyone's favorite deliveryman sits in for the whole cast as they talk at great length about the Mini Me sex tape, Brangelina's newest spawn, take some quizes and discuss good vs. evil...sorta.

Get it here.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Stoopcast 19: The Ex Marks the Spot

Wherein one of our heroes is absent, so a special guest sits in to bring a feminine touch to the stoop as she and E discuss Sharon Stone being batshit crazy, video store late fees, wills and testaments, R Kelly’s trial, how pretty much everyone in the original Predator movie became governors and help some more lovers find one another with another installment of Craigslist missed connections.

Clickity click to larf.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Stoopcast 18: Just the Facts, Ma'am

Wherein E and T are once again joined by G as they make fun of the news according to tradition, discuss the Iron Man mythology, provide a list of fun, factual information, give a little more movie news, answer a bunch of mail and Grant drinks pretty slowly for once. Get it here.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Stoopcast 17: The Ultimate Showdown

Wherein for the first time in living memory E and T bring the 'cast in on time as they tell some jokes, recall high school battles royal, help connect lovers with a new edition of "Missed Connections," reveal some not-very shocking movie news and answer some listener mail.

It's right over here

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Stoopcast 16: The 207 Deadly Sins

Wherein E and T debut a new theme song (which kicks ass) make fun of the news some more, discuss April Fools day, make some predictions for the new year and answer some listener mail.

Get it here

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Ohio Cast

A departure from the regular cast wherein E and Mr. McPhealy travel to Ohio to work for a Presidential Campaign. This cast is all about travels, trials and tribulations. Hopefully it's also a little funny.

Get it here

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Stoopcast 15: If You're In a Good Mood, We Can Fix That

Wherein E and T tell some more jokes, most of which fall flat, discuss how depressing the news is, talk about how evil children are some more, reveal the sad outcome of T's Gladiator bid, read some Craigslist personals and E does the worst Christopher Walken impression you're ever likely to hear before he and T answer a ton of listener mail.

Download Here

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Stoopcast 14: Mental Prep

Wherein in a super-sized cast E and T tell all kinds of jokes, mostly about Amy Winehouse and then, if you can believe it, talk more about American Gladiators. They also discuss other game shows, the rebirth of Dinosaurs, high school sports and answer a bunch of listener mail.

Get it here.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Stoopcast 13: Lucky Charmers

Wherein E and T tell some more jokes, talk even more about American Gladiators, touch on the whole Britney thing for a bit, check in with their old friend J, answer some mail with a little help from their friend and play a word association game.

Get it here.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Stoopcast 12: Trav Vs. Titan

Wherein E and T tell some more monologue jokes and then dive right the hell in to discussing Trav’s brilliant and brutal career as a future contestant and, eventually, a gladiator on American Gladiators. They go through the twenty-eight page application, discuss Gladiator names, talk about how E probably couldn’t compete even against the chick gladiators (though he might like to try) and answer some listener mail.

Get it here.